Friday 06 August 2021 | Swapcast w/ Good Brother Morning

Today on the show: We’re swapping podcasts with GOOD BROTHER MORNING once again, as REX ATKINS flies solo (No Eric Cairnie and no Joe Dawg Hallam!). But to balance things out, the loveable one himself, LENNY LILAC, joins Rex and me to shoot the sh*t and hopefully entertain you for an hour. MERCH ALERT!!! The […]
Wednesday 09 June 2021 | Swapcast w/ Good Brother Morning

Today on the show: Kingdom hangs out with the Good Brother Morning gang (REX ATKINS, ERIC CAIRNIE and JOE-DAWG HALLAM) once again and it goes predictably and enjoyably sideways… as usual. MERCH ALERT!!! The NEW Kingdom James store is open on TeeSpring! T-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, face masks, coffee mugs and die-cut vinyl stickers with […]

Anthony made his way back to the Good Brother Morning podcast last week, joining hosts Rex Atkins, Eric Cairnie and Joe-Dawg Hallum for both the Wednesday May 5th and Thursday May 6th episodes of the show. What a shmozz!
Thursday 18 March 2021 | 400th Episode Swapcast w/ Good Brother Morning

Today on the show: The first half of this 400th EVER EPISODE of HGC Radio covers some stories in the news including the massage parlour shooting in Atlanta and the police captain who was sympathetic to the murderer’s “bad day”, a man arrested with a semi-automatic weapon and over 250 rounds of ammo in front […]

Even though REX ATKINS is a JERK who puts quotation marks around Kingdom in my name (It’s Anthony Kingdom James NOT Anthony “Kingdom” James, you f’n lummox!) and ERIC CAIRNIE almost lost me a wrestling venue once… I would be very pleased if you all listened to my appearance on today’s GOOD BROTHER MORNING podcast. […]
Monday 18 January 2021 | Swapcast w/ Rex Atkins of Whatcha Talkin’ Boot?

Today on the show: It’s the first swapcast of 2021 as Anthony gets together with REX ATKINS and his “Whatcha Talkin’ Boot?” to talk wrestling, life after wrestling, the economics of the pandemic and how far is too far when it comes to ribbing your friends. MERCH ALERT!!! The NEW Kingdom James store now open […]