Friday 06 August 2021 | Swapcast w/ Good Brother Morning

Today on the show: We’re swapping podcasts with GOOD BROTHER MORNING once again, as REX ATKINS flies solo (No Eric Cairnie and no Joe Dawg Hallam!). But to balance things out, the loveable one himself, LENNY LILAC, joins Rex and me to shoot the sh*t and hopefully entertain you for an hour. MERCH ALERT!!! The […]
Tuesday 04 May 2021 | Happy Star Wars Day!

Today on the show: May The Fourth Be With You! We celebrate Star Wars Day by asking a whole bunch of our friends who their favourite Star Wars character is and which iteration of Star Wars they love most. Joining us on today’s show are animator/illustrator CHRIS MIZZONI, former Naked News anchor KATHERINE CURTIS, 501st […]
Tuesday 06 April 2021 | Interview w/ pro wrestler Lenny Lilac

Today on the show: Indie wrestler/promoter LENNY LILAC joins Kingdom for a conversation about what’s missing from the business side of wrestling these days, the idea of crowdfunding wrestling shows, his opinion on women’s wrestling vs women’s wrestling events plus a whole ton of Simpsons and Blues Brothers quotes. BIRTHDAY ALERT!!! Kingdom’s birthday is THIS […]