Tuesday 26 October 2021 | Solocast

Today on the show: The Chance for Survival Kickstarter launches TONIGHT! Visit www.KickstartThisComic.com to help your Uncle Kingdom bring the first issue of another incredible comic book series to life! Plus, Fan Expo Canada, Q-Losers turning on Trump (for all the wrong reasons), Congresspeople getting directly implicated in the January 6th Insurrection and then… a […]

Anthony’s next comic book will be a story about survival in the times after a devastating worldwide monster apocalypse. CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL #1 is the first issue of the continuing series about Chance Beckett, the female sheriff of the small walled town just outside of what was once Edmonton, Alberta. Written by Anthony, this series […]
Monday 24 May 2021 | Interview w/ Dan Mendoza

Today on the show: DAN MENDOZA, creator of such cult favourite comics books as Zombie Tramp, Sad Girl Psycho Baby and Dollface, joins the show to discuss the ongoing Kickstarter campaign for Sugar Pop issue 3, his relationship with his fans, his success with crowdfunding and self-publishing, having one of his books banned in China […]