Today on the show: Kingdom talks about getting his second vaccination over the weekend, why being vaccinated is the absolute right thing to do, avoiding the words we may use that we know are hurtful and hateful, wanting to leave people’s lives better than he found them, why Joe Manchin sucks and being happy that Issa Rae is the new voice of Spider-Woman for Sony/Marvel but not really knowing how I know her. Plus, keep your Friends reunion… it was a lame ass show.
MERCH ALERT!!! The NEW Kingdom James store is open on TeeSpring! T-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, face masks, coffee mugs and die-cut vinyl stickers with designs including the Wrestlers Union logo, the Handsome Genius Club logo, the Kingdom James soft drink logo and both the Outlive Your Enemies and new Choose Better Heroes designs. Check out the new store at MyNameIsKingdom.creator-spring.com.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE PATREON!!! You can also show your support for Anthony and projects like the Handsome Genius Club Radio Show, the 101 Things In 1001 Days project, the Wrestlers Union and more by subscribing to the My Name Is Kingdom Patreon page. For as little as $2 a month, you can help this show and get exclusive content from Anthony’s podcast, comic books and other projects. Join in now at patreon.com/MyNameIsKingdom.
CONNECT WITH ANTHONY ONLINE!!! Here’s an easy-to-use directory for his website and social media. Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and more: https://linktr.ee/MyNameIsKingdom
Recommended Viewing: Arthur Dent meets Agrajag from BBC Radio’s adaptation of Life, The Universe and Everything